Record of Ragnarok
New Release

Record of Ragnarok: Hit or Miss?

The highly anticipated anime adaptation of the popular manga Record of Ragnarok was meant to be one of the biggest and most epic anime series in recent memory. The premise is fascinating – a tournament between the 13 mightiest gods and the 13 greatest humans to determine the fate of humanity. With iconic figures like Zeus, Thor, Poseidon, and Adam from the Bible set to duke it out, Record of Ragnarok was promised to be a visual spectacle filled with jaw-dropping fight scenes.

However, the final anime product delivered by Netflix and studio Dogakobo ended up being a major letdown. Rather than capturing the grand scale and dynamic action of the Record of Ragnarok manga, the anime adaptation is plagued by sloppy animation, poor pacing, and an overly excessive use of flashbacks and drawn-out explanations.

Record of ragnarok

Manga vs Anime

Record of Ragnarok manga’s strength lied in its ability to draw the reader in through the sheer spectacle of the fights, without needing a deeply developed plot or characters. But the anime struggles to translate that same sense of excitement and momentum to the screen. Key fight scenes that should have been thrilling end up feeling flat and uninspired, with characters’ mouths not even moving in sync with the dialogue.

Apparently, the studio only had about 2 months to animate the entire series, which is an unacceptably short timeline for a production of this scale. The results speak for themselves, as the animation frequently looks cheap, recycled, and utterly lacking in the dynamic qualities that made the original manga so engaging.

While the core concept of Record of Ragnarok is still inherently cool, the execution of the anime adaptation is a huge disappointment. Even watching it in a group while high or intoxicated can only do so much to distract from the glaring technical and storytelling flaws. It’s a shame that such a promising property was so poorly adapted, leaving fans to wonder what could have been with more time, resources, and care put into the production.

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Record of Ragnarok- A cautionary tale!

Overall we believe that Record of ragnarok would serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of rushing anime adaptations. It is important to give animators and studios the time and support they need to truly bring a work of source material to life in a high-quality way. Hopefully, future adaptations of popular manga like Record of Ragnarok will learn from this misstep and strive to deliver the spectacle and excitement that fans rightfully expect.

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