
For many years, Japanese anime has dominated the world of 2D animation. However, a rising power has been slowly but surely making waves in both 2D and 3D animation  the Chinese anime industry- Donghua. 

Chinese donghua has been gaining serious momentum through platforms like Bilibili (China’s version of YouTube). Series like Link Click, Fog Hill of Five Elements, and Spare Me Great Lord have caught viewers’ attention. The credit goes to their stunning animation and engrossing storytelling.

History of Donghua

To understand Donghua’s current rise, we need to look at its history. Chinese animation pioneer Te Wei and the three Wong brothers revolutionized the art form in the 1940s. They curated multiple fascinating works like the seminal Princess Iron Fan, which even inspired manga legend Osamu Tezuka. However, the Cultural Revolution repressed the donghua industry, with Te Wei being exiled and abused for not portraying the “struggles of the working class.”

After Mao’s death, some restrictions were lifted, but donghua struggled to regain relevance. Until the internet brought new life through animations like Xiao Xiao in the early 2000s. The stick figure fight sequences went viral, showcasing the immense talent bubbling under the surface in China.

What is it?

Today’s Donghua masterfully blends Chinese cultural influences with exhilarating action sequences that put even top anime studios to shame. Fog Hill of Five Elements has been praised for its fluid animation reminiscent of a cameraman on a rollercoaster during the jaw-dropping fight scenes. Spare Me Great Lord cleverly parodies isekai power fantasies through a unique “social credits” system driving the story.

The incredibly popular Link Click follows two handsome protagonists solving mysteries by time-traveling into photographs, keeping viewers hooked with constant cliffhangers. However, one issue is that the English fan subtitles can’t always capture the nuances of the complex Chinese language.

While the gorgeous animation and compelling stories have begun winning over international audiences, donghua still faces challenges from government censorship. Any perceived criticism of politics or culture could see a studio dissolved. As the video essay observes, true artistic expression requires freedom from such restrictions.

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Nonetheless, donghua has traveled an incredible journey from the revolutionary Princess Iron Fan to today’s web series phenomenons. With the power of the internet, the world is finally witnessing the unparalleled artistry and imagination that China’s animators have to offer. Donghua is undoubtedly a rising force to be reckoned with in the animation realm.

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