
Galaxias is the new manga in town and it is one piece with dragons! Now we know that you might feel the one piece also has a dragon, but this is a bit different. It has ocean, adventures, characters who want to embark on a journey and even its own Gold Roger.

Gold Roger of Galaxias world goes by the name of Yuri Holst. He is the man who has completed all the adventures, and is known throughout the world. But he is not exactly Gold Roger, for instance he is still alive and have not accumulated all the treasure. He did not give any hard hitting speech from the execution stage but his story has inspired many to take to the sea. Although manga is yet to reveal what is supposed to be the final goal.

Yuri Holst

Story of Galaxias

The story of Galaxias begins on a small island called Laniakea where our main character ends up. He has no memory of his past and has his brain washed up. He carries a notebook with him and writes his daily learnings in it. Just like luffy, he is also a bit of an idiot and was thrown off a boat because he did not know that he was supposed to pay to get on a boat. 

He was reeled in by another character, Jio who wants to embark on a journey in the ocean but is constantly stopped by her Mayor dad who is also a dragon. It is expected that we would be seeing more dragons and also a variety of dragons. It was her who gave our character the name ‘Neraid’. The name is from the book she has and that book is called ‘Galaxias’, which has a different story of its own.  


Jio and Neraid eventually decide to go on different paths and just when it happens, Galaxias is hit with its shonen twist. Jio meets her dad in the woods where he is heavily injured. He was attacked by a government sent dragonite.  

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The reason why he is attacked is a huge plot twist and we would not like to ruin it for you. We can assure you that this is the moment you’d get hooked to Galaxias. While it will remind you of One Piece, it would be wrong to say that it is an exact replica. Galaxias has multiple different elements to it that  readers will enjoy. While it is just released, it will be interesting to see how the manga pans out in the future and we also hope to see anime adaptation of it really soon.     

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