Blue Lock Movie Review

Blue Lock Movie Review: Episode Nagi has hit the theaters and fans are not impressed. This movie has missed the mark by a mile and it’s crazy how one of the most well designed manga had the worst animation studio. Eightbit was chosen as the animation studio for the movie and they clearly deserve major credit for all the hate the movie is getting.

Before we jump on the things we hate, in this Blue Lock movie review we would like to mention a few good things. Nagi, Leo, Isigi and Bacha look beautiful to watch on the big screen and they have been edited slightly better than the whole movie. The background music work done is also quite good and adds a whole new life to certain crucial moments.  Another good thing that should be mentioned is Nagi’s Aura. While in the first season Nagi’s aura looked fake, in the latest blue lock movie, all of Nagi’s aura were hand drawn and looked comparatively way better.    

Blue Lock Episode nagi

What we hate!

Now it’s time to cover  the bads in this Blue Lock movie review and brace yourself as the list is long. Firstly, the pacing and snipping of the movie is really bad. The movie is just an hour and 26 minutes long and it was expected that matches would be short but what they did with matches was pure stupidity. The first match hardly last 2 minutes and before fans could even get into the feel of it, it was over. The movie got over with three chapters of manga in less than 10 minutes and these were the three chapters which were longer than usual Blue Lock chapters.

The next we would like to complain about this blue lock movie review is  how they failed to build credibility of our characters due to extreme fast pacing. They removed many crucial moments like the game of tag and how trio formation began which took away so much from the character developments. Niko and Waning brothers had almost zero screen time in the movie and anyone who has watched the anime aur read the manga knows how crucial they are.

It is also important to focus on technical aspects in this blue lock movie review. Let’s talk abou the money, the movie had a good budget yet it is hard to understand why they did such basic animation. No doubt the movie had a few moments where animation was stunning but on a whole, the animation sucks. The movie ruined Botto and it was hard to watch. He hardly had 2 minutes of total screen time and his aura looked nowhere like a lion.   

Now coming  to the worst part, the movie makers cut through the second selection in just 5 minutes using clips from the first season. They gave zero shit about Nagi’s development through the second selection and replaced it with a montage from clips of the first season. 

Read more:- Biggest Leak In Anime History

Blue Lock Movie Review Conclusion!

So this was our Blue Lock movie review and if you are fan of Blue Lock, go watch the movie and tell us how you feel. For someone who has never watched the series, we would recommend you to not judge the series based on this movie. The series is way better than how this movie is made. For more such blogs, turn up the notification. 

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