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Kaiju Number 8- An upcoming disaster!

Kaiju number 8 might be worse than we think. The audience has been waiting for Jump Plus Series for what feels like a couple of years now. So it’s only natural that everyone is talking about it now that it’s finally getting an anime. But obviously not all of this is good, as most people are talking about whatever the heck this is. There are inherent flaws with this manga that are surely going to affect the anime.  This anime might be dead before it even hits the ground. Let’s look at the reasons why we believe Kaiju number 8 is not going to be worth watching.  

The Good in Kaiju number 8

Kaiju number 8 has kind of been a big name for a while now and for good reason. The series follows the story of Kafka, a guy in his 30s who cleans up after Kaiju battles. He previously failed to join the Kaiju Defense Forces as a young adult. His body gets taken over by a Kaiju and he becomes a weird hybrid. He’s able to use his new Kaiju powers to join the Defense Force and restore the dreams that he had lost before.  The story stands out right away despite using a familiar theme of the main character with monstrous ability. Kafka is more aged than a teen and it proves how it’s never too late to follow your dreams even when you’ve given up before. It’s a story that resonates with the usual audiences but also feels painfully familiar.

Kaiju series with a it’s fabulous design bring out curiosity of the viewers. Since there are not many series running on similar lines, Kaiju number 8 gets an added advantage. The series has multiple characters such as  Kafka’s childhood friend with giant sniper rifle and a pet tiger, Shenia with spiky pigtails who fights people with a giant axe, Soshiro that slices up Kaiju with his swords like a badass ninja and many more. 

Reasons for unfavorable prediction

After the release of volume 9 back in March of 2023, the series was said to have over 11 million copies in circulation. And if you go online, you can find a ton of videos saying how Kaiju number 8 is the next Attack on Titan or Kaiju number 8 is going to be the next big thing , unfortunately, it only looks that way. The reality is that Kaiju number 8 has been on a decline for a while now. 

Kaiju number 8 reached 11 million copies in March, but by December of that same year, it only reached 12 million copies. That means in about a year, it only sold a million copies. It might be a lot but in comparison to sales before, it’s a fraction of what they used to be. Part of this is because we lost that initial hype from before. You can find a lot of reasons for it if you follow the manga. As more characters are introduced and the stakes are raised again, Kafka doesn’t really change as a character. There’s less focus on him and his development as we focus on these newer characters. It feels like all of his dialogue can pretty much be reduced to “I’m going to beat the Kaiju” or “I’m going to get stronger”.  It presents the series’ main character as a shell of his former self and seemingly kills any of his potential character growth.

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You get a similar effect on the overall plot. At first, the story goes from Kafka’s transformation to him proving himself in the Defense Force. Then the next Arc is him training and stopping these new kinds of monsters. Granted, the fights always look good and they’re fun enough to read, but after a while, it just feels like a broken record.

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